We Build Custom Grain Hoppers
We provide farmers with custom hopper bin cones and steel floors to extend the longevity of their new and existing grain bins and provide direct delivery to farm sites. All grain hoppers are manufactured in our own facility to guarantee precise design and a quick turnaround time.
Custom Hopper Cones
To support farmers, Miller Hoppers manufactures custom hopper cones to fit an existing bin of any size. Hopper cones serve several purposes, including making grain bins easier, faster and safer to empty, especially for gravity unloads and complete cleanouts. By providing safe and reliable storage solutions with options, we support the refurbishment of existing bins and save you money.
We Know Our Hoppers
With over 40 years of experience, it's no doubt we know our hoppers. Not only can we recommend the most cost-effective solution for your farm, but our manufacturing facilities allow us to turn around a hooper from 9' to 27' for all bin manufacturers in two to four weeks and provide an extended warranty along with it.